查看完整版本: 關於發生事故的航空母艦「維克拉姆帝亞號」之後續劇情
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MightyDragon 發表於 2012-9-26 07:43 AM


這是由兩篇文章組成的。第一篇文章的摘要是北德文斯克造船廠方面認為「維克拉姆帝亞號」的測試是成功的:戰鬥機可以降落和起飛,新設備可以正常工作... 除了推動整艘船艦移動和發電機的蒸汽引擎有「小小的缺陷」 言下之意是請支付帳單
第二篇文章的摘要是有問題蒸汽引擎的是原設計遺留下來的,除了什麼石棉、耐火磚外,俄方聲明更換的鍋爐的保用僅是十個月,更在船駛海上時已經過期   換句話說:我不負起責任 其他發現:當前的俄羅斯甚至連製造蒸汽管道的特殊鋼亦已經停產,艦上使用的是烏克蘭的出品...

Original Source: 08:43 18/09/2012 Ροccия
Title: CaMыe TpyдHыe cοcTaвляющиe πpοΓpaMMы иcπыTaHий aвиaHοcцa "BиkpaMaдиTья" выποлHeHы ycπeшHο
Posted by Austin 18-09-12 03:51 PM defenceforumindia.com
Title: INS Vikramaditya (Adm Gorshkov) aircraft carrier

The most difficult components of the test program the aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" succeed

Routine command aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya", consisting of specialists from Sevmash generally pleased with the results the test ship at sea, despite the shortcomings in its power plant. This was announced today by ITAR-TASS responsible deliverer carrier Igor Leonov.

"Last Friday was 100 days from the moment an aircraft carrier at sea trials. Still no ship created or upgraded by Russia's largest shipbuilding company, so long did not go to trial in the sea," - said Leonov.

He stressed that "despite technical defects in the boiler room of the ship power installation, commissioning team of Sevmash positive about the outcome of the tests."

"We believe - said Leone - that the most difficult components of the test program are successful ship." "The main purpose of the aircraft carrier, - he said, - provision of deployment and use of carrier-based aircraft. Recognized that the most tricky part of the test - this test aircraft and hardware ship. As part of these tests the aircraft carrier" Vikramaditya "was made about 100 successful flights by Russian pilots. All flights have been highly appreciated and our Navy, and Indian experts. "

Told deliverer ship, "simultaneously with working all the equipment and systems to ensure safety / performance brake machines and restraints / were optimized transport and refueling aircraft, flight dispatch support in various flight conditions, at different times, with different flight loads." "In fact, during these tests, we studied the organization vibrant communities carriers" - said its executive deliverer.

"The second objective of the tests - he said - is working out real operation of dozens of modern electronic weapons systems." "This problem has also been successfully implemented in full" - summed Leonov.

Against this background, he said, "identified in the tests and independent shipbuilders shortcomings in a number of boilers - this is annoying, but a technical problem, the elimination of which is not complicated or technical, or in terms of organization."

As ITAR-TASS news agency in the administration of Sevmash, now an aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" returns to the plant, where it should arrive next week.

12:47 18/09/2012 MOSCOW, September 18
Source: RIA Novosti
Yard Boss Blames Boilers for India Carrier Trials Snags

Sea trials of an Indian Navy aircraft carrier refitted by a Russian shipyard were unsuccessful due to design failures in the vessel’s boilers, Russian daily Vedomosti wrote on Tuesday quoting the shipyard’s former director Oleg Shulyakovsky.

The ship’s handover to the Indian Navy was put back from December 2012 to at least October 2013 after propulsion failures occured when the Vikramaditya, formerly the Russian Navy’s Admiral Gorshkov, underwent sea trials in the White Sea last month.

Shulyakovsky says three of the carrier’s eight boilers failed, but the ship still managed to stay underway and reached 23 knots, below its design speed of 29 knots.

Boiler failures were a legacy of the original vessel’s design, he said, with propulsion snags being a persistent feature of the four Project 1143 carriers built in the Soviet Union in the 1970′s. The carriers boilers lasted just 20 percent of the design life stated by their makers, he said.

The replacement boilers installed as part of the vessel’s $2.3 billion refit were guaranteed for just ten months, which expired before the ship took to sea, he said.

Specialists from the Baltisky Shipyard and boiler design bureau are already at Sevmash shipyard, where the carrier will arrive in the next few weeks. Engineers are focusing on the boilers’ heat insulation as the core of the problem. Repairs could take from four months to a year depending on the damage to the insulation, he said.

The worst case would be damage to the pipes carrying steam from the boilers, Shulyakovsky said. The pipes are made from a special steel which is no longer made in Russia. The steel used in Vikramaditya’s pipes was made in Ukraine.

A defense industry official quoted by Kommersant newspaper on Monday, who prepared the Vikramaditya for sea trials, said the reason for the boilers’ failure was that India refused to use asbestos to protect the boilers from heat, fearing that the material was dangerous for the crew. Instead, it used firebrick, which had poorer insulating properties.

The purchase and refit of the Vikramaditya has experienced a long-running catalog of failures and setbacks.

India and Russia signed the $947 million dollar deal in 2005 for the purchase of the carrier, with an original deadline for the refit’s completion of 2008. Delivery was delayed twice, pushing up the cost of refurbishing the carrier to $2.3 billion.

Both sides were locked in protracted arguments over who would pay the extra costs, as it became clear that the refit would be much more complicated than originally envisaged. A new agreement was signed in 2009 with the Indians agreeing to pay for the extra work needed.

Another Sevmash shipyard director, Vladimir Pastukhov, was fired in 2007 over his poor management of the project.

The Vikramaditya was originally built as the Soviet Project 1143.4 class aircraft carrier Baku.

The ship was laid down in 1978 at the Nikolayev South shipyard in Ukraine, launched in 1982, and commissioned with the Soviet Navy in 1987.

It was renamed Admiral Gorshkov after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. In 1994, the Admiral Gorshkov sat in dock for a year for repairs after a boiler room explosion. In 1995, it briefly returned to service but was finally withdrawn and put up for sale in 1996.

The ship has a displacement of 45,000 tons, a maximum speed of 32 knots and an endurance of 13,500 nautical miles (25,000 km) at a cruising speed of 18 knots.

India has already started taking delivery of the MiG-29K naval fighter aircraft for the Vikramaditya, as they were ready before the refit was completed. The MiG-29Ks will operate in STOBAR (short take-off but assisted recovery via arresting wires) mode

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n803244 發表於 2012-9-26 08:35 AM

這種甲板設計, 無法同時操作飛機起飛跟降落吧??


mark6565 發表於 2012-9-26 09:50 AM



5901 發表於 2012-9-26 09:56 AM


MK17M249 發表於 2012-9-26 11:13 AM


cy90296 發表於 2012-9-26 12:54 PM


gogo668 發表於 2012-9-26 01:20 PM

發電機的蒸汽引擎有小小的缺陷 和平時當然問題不大 戰時就足以致命

vfa 發表於 2012-9-26 01:23 PM


mu119 發表於 2012-9-26 07:42 PM

這設計基本上跟中國瓦良格 現在的遼寧號 是一樣的 那你不是在說中國航母是雞肋?
不過當初蘇聯會這麼設計航母 主要是因為他們沒有彈射器技術 因為全世界只剩下美國有這技術
英國早在二戰後就不建造傳統航母 所以不需要彈射器
法國本來就不是海軍強國 在二戰也沒有航母 所以也不會有那技術 現在的彈射器還是跟美國買的

tinysyy 發表於 2012-9-26 08:01 PM


y-0- 發表於 2012-9-26 08:48 PM

mu119 發表於 2012-9-26 07:42 PM static/image/common/back.gif
這設計基本上跟中國瓦良格 現在的遼寧號 是一樣的 那你不是在說中國航母是雞肋?
不過當初蘇聯會這麼設計航 ...

前蘇聯1970~80年代已掌握蒸氣彈射技術,他們最後的航艦(建造中的烏里諾夫斯級和一艘藍圖中10萬噸級核動力航母),為什麼只烏級以後才採用(因為是核動力),而前蘇聯不凍港不多,也等於說航母必須要有冰天雪地中航行,蒸氣彈射使用的大量額外能量,要是傳統動力航艦,在北冰洋中根本不能運作,(所以烏級才有蒸氣彈射..因為是核動力不受能量限制)..所以說不要認為前蘇聯沒蒸氣彈射技術,...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

yastern 發表於 2012-9-26 08:48 PM

法國戴高樂航母有彈射系統 不過是跟美國買的 也是除美國外維一的國家 聽說中國也發展出來彈射系統了還是最新 磁性式的 期待中

a8725369 發表於 2012-9-26 11:41 PM

《印度防務評論》季刊網站7月27日報道:稱中印航母發展 中國花錢少辦事多,中國花費2000萬美元向烏克蘭購買了尚未竣工的“瓦良格”號航空母艦,中國在購買航母上花的錢要比印度少的多。儘管印度耗資數十億美元升級“維克拉馬蒂亞”號航母,卻未能提高自身的造船水準。升級計劃反而提高了俄羅斯造船廠的造船能力。難怪俄羅斯計劃在“維克拉馬蒂亞”號升級完成後將自己的航母送往該造船廠進行升級。中國購買了未完工的“瓦良格”號航空母艦之後,完全依靠自身工業和先進的造船技能,對這艘航母進行了維修和改造。中國既少花了錢,又積累了航母改造的經驗並汲取了有助於其今後建造本國航母的寶貴經驗。...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

cj-cj 發表於 2012-9-27 12:09 AM

10個月的"保固期", 三哥居然接受了..
從俄羅斯繞地球一圈, 牽到印度洋, 估計也不止10個月吧??

三哥怎麼就有這股傻勁呢?? 越削越過癮的樣子..

AW050263AW 發表於 2012-9-27 12:32 AM

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