查看完整版本: 加拿大重新審議購買F-35戰鬥機的計劃
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MightyDragon 發表於 2012-12-14 08:24 AM


成本越來越高的F-35正被越來越多的國家拋棄,恭喜恭喜 {:3:} 。所謂的「重新審議」實際上是推倒所有的購買決定重新招標,將考慮所有貨源包括波音公司的「超級大黃蜂」戰鬥機。我想知道中國會否利用此機會推銷梟龍、殲-10甚至未完成的AMF去爭奪加拿大的大單,也可以作為宣傳中國國力的廣告 {:24:}

Source: The New York Times
Original Title: Canada Reviews Plans to Buy F-35 Fighter Jets
Published: December 12, 2012

Canada said Wednesday that it would reconsider plans to buy 65 F-35 fighter jets after an independent audit found that the sophisticated stealth planes would cost substantially more than the government had promised.

The decision was an unusual step back by Stephen Harper, the prime minister, who has been a strident defender of the purchase despite widespread public criticism of the price. Two cabinet ministers said an independent panel would review a variety of options, including a version of Boeing’s Super Hornet fighter as well as sticking with the F-35, made by Lockheed Martin.

“We have hit the reset button and are taking the time to do a complete assessment of all available aircraft,” Rona Ambrose, the public works minister, told reporters in Ottawa.

The announcement came after the auditor, KPMG, estimated that Canada would spend $45.8 billion to buy and operate the planes over 42 years, the expected life span.

When Peter MacKay, the defense minister, first announced Canada’s plan to buy the F-35 in 2010, he said the purchase price was $9 billion, but declined to provide operating cost estimates. The next year during an election campaign, the Conservatives put the total cost over 20 years at $16 billion.

If Canada were to back out of the project, it would be a blow to Lockheed and the Pentagon, which is counting on foreign sales to help reduce the cost of building each of the planes.

The F-35 was conceived as the Chevrolet of the sky, a radar-evading aircraft that could be built relatively cheaply and adapted to the needs of the Air Force, Navy and Marines.

But almost from the start, development of the planes and their sophisticated gear proved far more costly and difficult than anticipated.

The plane is now projected to be the most expensive weapons program in history, with the Pentagon spending $396 billion to buy 2,443 planes by the late 2030s. The United States is counting on 10 allies to buy at least 700 more.

To meet the Pentagon’s targets of $79 million to $106 million a plane, depending on the model, Lockheed needs to increase its economies of scale by spreading the costs across as many planes as possible. Canada’s hesitancy about the project could add to worries among the allies about the plane’s cost.

This year, economically troubled Italy cut its planned F-35 order by 30 percent. Britain and Australia have delayed decisions on how many F-35s to buy. And lawmakers in the Netherlands are also questioning the jet’s cost.

The Pentagon and Lockheed have stepped up their efforts to reassure those countries and persuaded two others, Israel and Japan, to sign on.

“You have to wonder when a slip becomes a slide with this program,” said Richard L. Aboulafia, an analyst with the Teal Group in Fairfax, Va. “This is not a simple question of a fighter from a new generation all by itself in the market. There is price pressure and there’s a growing cost-consciousness among all customers.”

Until recently, the ruling Conservative Party in Canada swiftly rejected any suggestion that the country not buy the F-35s. Two years ago, Mr. Harper said that critics of the acquisition were “playing politics with the lives of our men and women in uniform.”

But after the office of the Auditor General of Canada released a report in March indicating that the planes would cost much more than the $16 billion the government had indicated, Mr. Harper’s aides began edging away from the program and hired KPMG to produce the new cost estimates.

Ms. Ambrose and Mr. MacKay repeatedly used the word “reset” on Wednesday and avoided questions about what that step would mean in evaluating alternatives. The ministers and officials, however, did make it clear that no decision had been made to start a formal competition among aircraft manufacturers and acknowledged that it remained possible that Canada would stick with the F-35.

The review, Mr. MacKay said, would “ensure that a balance is maintained between the military needs and taxpayer interests.”

Canada’s concerns about the costs of the F-35s come as American officials worry that the F-35’s huge price tag could make it a target for budget cutters in Washington as well. The Pentagon has already slowed the program to fix technical problems and reduce the immediate costs.

Pentagon and Lockheed officials sought on Wednesday to play down the developments in Canada.

Lt. Col. Melinda F. Morgan, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said the KPMG cost estimate for Canada was in line with the Pentagon’s current projections for the cost of the planes.

She said that Canada’s decision to review its options seemed similar to a high-level review the Pentagon conducted in 2010 when problems were mounting with the planes. Top Pentagon officials determined then that they had no alternative that could provide the same capability.

Lockheed issued a statement noting it had worked with Canada’s armed forces for 50 years and looked forward to continuing the relationship.

The KPMG study said that if Canada wanted to stick to the original $9 billion price, it would be able to buy only 55 planes.

Possible alternatives to the F-35 include an updated version of Boeing’s F/A-18 Hornet, called the Super Hornet, and several European models. The Royal Canadian Air Force currently flies CF-18s, a version of the Hornet. While some of Canada’s jets date back about 30 years, Mr. MacKay said Wednesday that the fleet could be kept operational for at least another decade.

In the past, Mr. MacKay and others have emphasized the need for Canada’s next generation of fighters to include the radar-evading stealth technology found on the F-35. But several military analysts in Canada have noted that the country’s air force had not been actively involved in first strikes, where stealth would be most crucial. Others have questioned using the single-engine F-35 for patrols in remote Arctic regions, a primary mission for Canada’s military.

Separately on Wednesday, the government also reduced its estimate of business that Canadian companies were likely to win from F-35 contracts to $9.8 billion from $12 billion.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: December 13, 2012

An earlier version of a picture caption with this article referred incorrectly to the setting in which Mr. MacKay, the defense minister, was photographed. He was in the cockpit of a mockup of a F-35 jet, not a real one.
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ddgo 發表於 2012-12-14 08:51 AM


白蓮梵天 發表於 2012-12-14 09:51 AM


cj-cj 發表於 2012-12-14 10:02 AM

ddgo 發表於 2012-12-14 08:51 AM static/image/common/back.gif
加拿大有沒有可能考慮是一回事,主要可以在公開場合曝光,讓其他潛在的買家也看 ...

老美的后花園, 怎麼可能讓中國去晃悠??
其實普通的美國人, 視野閉塞的大有人在, 很多人甚至不知道習近平是男是女.
中國還沒有實力直接挑戰老美, 就沒必要刻意去挑動普通美國人的注意力和神經.  ...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

n803244 發表於 2012-12-14 10:59 AM


加拿大還是以美系武器裝備為主, 要評估完全不同體系的軍武納入, 就很考慮了!
更何況是在美國後面, 要真推, 美國一定死命打壓, 甚至不惜削價與中國競爭!

回到主角 F35, 這下真的各個參與國姥姥不疼舅舅不愛, 人人欲棄之而後快了....<br><br><br><br><br><div></div>

karei 發表於 2012-12-14 11:30 AM


AW050263AW 發表於 2012-12-14 12:09 PM


中路神手 發表於 2012-12-14 12:25 PM


suchewei 發表於 2012-12-14 01:42 PM

cj-cj 發表於 2012-12-14 10:02 AM static/image/common/back.gif
老美的后花園, 怎麼可能讓中國去晃悠??
其實普通的美國人, 視野閉塞的大有人在, 很多人甚至不知道習近平 ...

就事後花園  老共才會花心思去

現在老共最喜歡玩 你來我家 我去你家

zhanga13 發表於 2012-12-14 03:40 PM

n803244 發表於 2012-12-14 10:59 AM static/image/common/back.gif

加拿大還是以美系武器裝備為主, 要評估完全不同體系的軍武 ...


MK17M249 發表於 2012-12-14 06:34 PM

本帖最後由 MK17M249 於 2012-12-14 06:37 PM 編輯



inmi13137425 發表於 2012-12-14 07:58 PM

本帖最後由 inmi13137425 於 2012-12-14 08:01 PM 編輯

F-35 問題最是貴....

F-35  ABC  算是先進戰機沒錯

做的 洛克 波音 通用  勞斯 美國空軍 著幾家軍火公司  技術上因該沒問題 重點太貴瞭..

1台 可以買好幾台 蘇-35...
加拿大因該還是會跟美國購買 只是數量上減少而易 因為北極問題 他還是要靠美國


andy85131 發表於 2012-12-15 12:07 AM

F-35太貴可是先進 可是加拿大就在美國旁邊這樣放棄美國...會照成關係不好吧

yastern 發表於 2012-12-15 09:17 AM

加拿大都是用美規武器 目前以以f-18e/f為主力戰機 如果不幸與j-10對戰 輸贏面難講 加拿大不會考慮j-10 後勤問題也很大 或許f-35很貴 但以美國後門盟友及大英國協成員的加拿大來說如果得不到美規武器免強會用歐規 但不會考慮中國

拿AK的螞蟻 發表於 2012-12-15 10:45 AM

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