查看完整版本: 太多very!
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aric308 發表於 2019-5-15 10:16 AM


Very good, very beautiful, very delicious, very funny, very tired, very poor, very hungry......甚至有時會very very 好幾個疊在一起加強語氣。我們經常用這麼多的very而不自覺,聽在老外耳裡,覺得很有趣:怎麼這麼誇張啊!在不知不覺中,誇張的英文就造一個誇張的印象。在世界公民文化中心每季教學會議腦力激盪時,來自各國各行業的外籍顧問,寫下他們認為中文人口最容易犯的錯,過度誇張的語言very是排行榜第一名,老外公認這是台灣人說英文時最明顯特色。以下是表決以後10大錯誤,看看自己有沒有這些錯,有就打一個勾,看看你有幾個勾:● Excessive use of the word 'very'. (很愛用very,讓人有誇張感覺)● He/she, his/her confusions. (男女性別不分)● Excessive use of 'superlative' words such as 'delicious' and 'beautiful'. (喜歡用delicious, beautiful這等”最高極”含意字眼)● The tendency to use too many adjectives to add color to written work rather than varying verb and noun usage which tends to be more effective in English composition. (用太多虛的形容詞,用太少動詞)● Closure of any and every speech or statement with the words 'That's all'. (講話結束了就用'That's all')● Unnecessary objects - 'The children were playing A GAME'; 'He is reading A BOOK'; 'I was singing A SONG'. “Please repeat AGAIN.” (贅字太多,read就是讀書了,不必再加book,repeat已經是重複,不必再again)● The bizarre belief held by some students that American English is worthy of attention. (覺得英語一定要”美式”才安心)● I went to the park to PLAY with my friends. (中英概念混雜,大人和朋友玩不用play)● I was absent because I sent my friend to the hospital, instead of,...took my friend to the hospital. (中英概念混雜,送人去醫院不用send)● We have done it last week. -We did it last lesson, or, We have done it. (沒有延續性的行為,不必用完成式)指得出問題,就能解決問題,Brainstorm一下,會找出很有意思的solution。
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totoyangson 發表於 2019-5-16 09:38 AM

Thanks your share~~By English learning are too nice data~~~

hihans 發表於 2019-5-16 01:43 PM

Too thanks your sharing the data for learning, they are nice data for learning.Thanks again~~
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